Chennai Metro Given Extra Time for Accessibility Audit Report

Chennai Metro Given Extra Time for Accessibility Audit Report

The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has been given an additional two weeks to submit the second access audit report of its metro stations. This extension was granted by the Madras High Court after the CMRL requested more time to complete the audit. The court's decision came during a hearing of a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by Vaishnavi Jayakumar, a disability rights activist, seeking better accessibility for persons with disabilities at metro stations.

The access audit is being conducted to ensure that all metro stations comply with the accessibility standards mandated by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. The first audit report, submitted earlier, highlighted several deficiencies in the accessibility infrastructure, including issues with tactile flooring, signage, and the lack of adequate ramps and elevators.

The High Court has directed the CMRL to address these issues and improve the facilities to make them more user-friendly for people with disabilities. The second audit report is expected to detail the progress made in rectifying the shortcomings identified in the initial audit.

During the hearing, the CMRL assured the court that significant improvements have been made and that the remaining issues will be addressed promptly. The court emphasised the importance of making public transportation accessible to all citizens and urged the CMRL to expedite the necessary upgrades.

This move aims to ensure that Chennai Metro stations are fully accessible and cater to the needs of all commuters, particularly those with disabilities. The court has scheduled the next hearing for later this month to review the progress and compliance with the accessibility standards.

The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has been given an additional two weeks to submit the second access audit report of its metro stations. This extension was granted by the Madras High Court after the CMRL requested more time to complete the audit. The court's decision came during a hearing of a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by Vaishnavi Jayakumar, a disability rights activist, seeking better accessibility for persons with disabilities at metro stations. The access audit is being conducted to ensure that all metro stations comply with the accessibility standards mandated by the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. The first audit report, submitted earlier, highlighted several deficiencies in the accessibility infrastructure, including issues with tactile flooring, signage, and the lack of adequate ramps and elevators. The High Court has directed the CMRL to address these issues and improve the facilities to make them more user-friendly for people with disabilities. The second audit report is expected to detail the progress made in rectifying the shortcomings identified in the initial audit. During the hearing, the CMRL assured the court that significant improvements have been made and that the remaining issues will be addressed promptly. The court emphasised the importance of making public transportation accessible to all citizens and urged the CMRL to expedite the necessary upgrades. This move aims to ensure that Chennai Metro stations are fully accessible and cater to the needs of all commuters, particularly those with disabilities. The court has scheduled the next hearing for later this month to review the progress and compliance with the accessibility standards.

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