Not even the pandemic could stop the who’s who of the construction fraternity coming together to celebrate CW Design-Build Conclave & Awards-Bengaluru. CW is on a multi-city tour to celebrate its silver jubilee year. The magazine felicitated the “Stalwarts of the South” who have contributed to the overall development of the city. Further, ASAPP's Indian Cement Review magazine hosted a power-packed event that addressed key issues like decarbonisation whilst awarding star performers.
CW cover story takes a look at the Construction Start-ups in India, the new-age technologies they offer to improve the delivery of infrastructure and real-estate projects. While an extensive feature on Construction Equipments offers detailed analysis on high-tech equipments and the future launches.
In addition, you can read insightful details on the rising cost and demand uncertainties that are currently facing the steel industry. Also read Vijay Agrawal, Executive Director, Equirus article on the pros and cons of GST on the annuity received by HAM agreements. Further, Vinay Kumar Singh, Managing Director, NCRTC highlights the use of the CORS network in India for the first time for a mega infrastructure project.
The CW DESIGN BUILD section of the magazine explores versatility of tiles, their high performance and flexibility, advancements in designs, sizes and formats.