With capital investment in the infrastructure sector proposed at Rs 100 trillion over the next five years, in this edition, CW delves into the expectations and opportunities as the Modi Government steps into its second term. Further, CW explores trends in compactor and paver demand, along with modular furniture that are fulfilling customer needs. Also read on how Prayagraj Airport’s new terminal has been constructed green under the GRIHA-IV rating. Besides, our piece on material emphasises on the need for the industry to adopt stainless steel for the sustainability and longevity of infrastructure projects. The edition also features an exclusive interview with Prabhakar Singh, Director-General, Central Public Works Department (CPWD).
What's more, the exclusive CW PROPERTY TODAY in the magazine delves into how business is booming for co-working spaces providers, with about 200 co-working operators already running about 400+ facilities across India. Also, read on for what's driving demand for flooring in India, along with the Integrative Design Process for designing and operating spaces, buildings and cities. Also, watch out for exclusive interviews with Indiabulls Asset Management Company, Akshaya, and Stone Plus.
Enjoy the monsoon, and the edition!