Toshiba to increase production capacity of transmission and distribution equipment

01 Aug 2024

To address the growing global demand for power transmission and distribution (T&D) equipment amid the global trend of renewable energy expansion, Toshiba Transmission and Distribution Systems (India) (TTDI) said that it will increase its manufacturing capacity of power transformers and distribution transformer by approximately 1.5 times compared to FY2023, over a three-year period from FY2024 to FY2026. Toshiba Group has positioned the power T&D business as a focus business and will invest over `5 billion in TTDI to expand its capacity. With this investment, TTDI will increase its assembly and test line capacity for distribution transformers and power transformers for the transmission grids and distribution networks. Its enhanced testing capacity for power transformers will represent a significant upgrade in its testing capacity.
Contact: Toshiba
Tel: 124-499-6600

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