UPPCL to implement power distribution scheme

01 Nov 2022

The state government of Uttar Pradesh has instructed the UP Power Corporation Limited to operate in mission mode in order to implement the Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme (RDSS) of the state and the federal government in an effort to reform the state's electricity generation, transmission, and distribution system.

60% of the RDSS is owned by the state government.

To provide consumers with a reliable and secure supply of electricity, the state government has ordered all power distribution companies (discoms) to create an action plan.

In Uttar Pradesh, approximately 30 million households have access to electricity. The government stated that work on developing a plan to build a strong energy structure to ensure continuous power supply to all of the state's energy consumers should begin before the upcoming summer season.

To achieve the goal, the plan calls for the construction of new substations, the development of a unified transmission and distribution system, and the activation of additional power generation units on a war footing. The tendering process has been completed in numerous districts across the state, according to UPPCL Chairman M Devraj. He predicted that this proposal will have a big impact on the state's power business.

The scheme's timeframe for completion is 2024-2025, and the Uttar Pradesh government has set aside Rs. 50 billion for this purpose. The aggregate technical and commercial loss (AT&C) will be reduced to 12-15% under this government strategy, which has been termed as result-oriented.

Aside from that, the average cost of supply and revenue will be balanced, and power loss will be kept to a bare minimum. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has also directed top Energy department officials to complete the final detailed project report (DPR) and begin the tendering process as soon as possible.

The current Deendayal Upadhyaya Yojana, Saubhagya, and IPDS programmes will also be considered in the update. This plan calls for the construction of new 33-11 kV power stations. Furthermore, the generation capacities of existing power stations with 33-11 kV capacity will be expanded.

Additionally, overburdened 33 kV lines and those connecting to several power stations will be disconnected. Separate new lines will be established for this purpose. Similarly, overloaded power stations' capacity will be increased, and new distribution transformers will be installed.

The programme intends to provide 24-hour uninterrupted electricity supply to all of the state's villages, towns, and metros. Moreover, armored service cable will be used for safe power delivery in cases of a malfunction or breakdown affecting only one line, and to eliminate the problem of low voltage.

Also, smart prepaid metres will be put in accordance with the plan to provide error-free and timely electricity bills. To monitor each feeder, separate switches will be placed. Under the Mukhyamantri Nagar Srijan Yojana, the government would also distribute cash to newly constituted municipal entities in the state to upgrade the electricity supply network.

See also:
50 lakh smart meters installed in India; highest in UP, Bihar
Uttar Pradesh govt allots Rs 1,000 cr to power sector