Union Power Minister Assesses Projects in Arunachal Pradesh

01 Jul 2024

During his visit to Arunachal Pradesh, Minister Goyal focused on evaluating the progress and implementation of various power initiatives crucial for the state's energy security. His inspection encompassed a range of projects, including hydroelectric power plants and transmission networks, aimed at augmenting electricity generation and distribution capabilities. This strategic assessment aligns with the government's broader objective of ensuring reliable and sustainable power supply across the country.

Arunachal Pradesh holds immense potential for hydroelectric power generation, owing to its abundant water resources and favourable geographical features. Minister Goyal's visit aimed to harness this potential effectively, exploring ways to expedite project timelines and overcome operational challenges. The initiatives reviewed are integral to enhancing energy access in remote and underserved areas, contributing significantly to the state's economic development and improving living standards for its residents.

The minister's engagement also emphasised the importance of integrating renewable energy sources into Arunachal Pradesh's power mix, aligning with national goals of reducing carbon emissions and promoting green energy alternatives. By prioritising infrastructure development and project execution in the state, Minister Goyal reaffirmed the government's commitment to advancing sustainable energy solutions and achieving energy security for all regions of India.

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