UltraTech Cement Aims to Exceed 200 MTPA Capacity by FY27

01 Aug 2024

UltraTech Cement, India's leading cement manufacturer, is set to surpass the 200 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) production capacity milestone by the fiscal year 2027. The company's aggressive expansion plans align with its vision to maintain a leadership position in the cement industry while meeting growing demand.

As part of its strategic growth, UltraTech will focus on scaling production capabilities through new plant setups and expanding existing facilities. The company has already outlined several key investments across India to achieve this target, aiming to meet the rising demand from infrastructure and construction sectors.

UltraTech?s current production capacity stands at over 130 MTPA. The expansion plan, once completed, will significantly strengthen its footprint in the domestic and international markets. The company also emphasises sustainable practices, incorporating green energy initiatives and reducing its carbon footprint.

This move is expected to not only bolster UltraTech's market share but also contribute to India's ambitious infrastructure growth targets. With this capacity enhancement, the company remains well-positioned to address the demands of the future and sustain its leadership in the cement industry.

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