Tamil Nadu Breaks Record for Solar Power Generation

01 Aug 2024

Tamil Nadu reached a new peak in solar power generation and absorption. The generation hit 5,979 MW, surpassing the previous peak of 5,704 MW recorded on August 2. Similarly, the solar power absorbed into the grid reached an all-time high of 41.40 million units (mu), compared to the previous maximum of 40.9 mu on August 3. According to Tangedco officials, this marked the first instance when both peak generation and maximum absorption occurred on the same day, aided by clear skies that ensured consistent generation throughout the day.

In contrast, power generation from wind farms decreased despite it being the windy season. Tangedco officials explained that rain had reduced wind speeds, impacting generation. They noted that with reduced rain, power demand decreases, which can be managed without the additional support of wind power.

On that day, Tamil Nadu consumed 352.20 mu of power, with the maximum demand reaching 16,237 MW.

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