SC clears Gaggal airport expansion project

01 Sep 2024

The Supreme Court's decision comes as a significant relief to the state government, which had been pushing for the expansion to enhance connectivity and tourism in the Kangra Valley. The project had been stalled following the Himachal Pradesh High Court’s intervention, primarily due to petitions filed by local farmers and environmental activists. They raised concerns over the acquisition of agricultural land and the potential environmental consequences of the airport’s expansion. The High Court had issued a stay on the project, pending further examination of these issues.

However, with the stay now lifted, the government is set to move forward with its ambitious plans to expand the airport, which is located near Dharamshala, one of the state's major tourist destinations. The expansion will allow the airport to accommodate larger aircraft, increasing its passenger capacity significantly. Currently, the airport's limited capacity and smaller runway restrict the size of planes that can land, impacting the flow of tourists to the region, particularly during peak seasons.

The government has assured that all concerns related to land acquisition and environmental impact will be addressed, with adequate compensation for displaced farmers and efforts to minimize ecological damage. The expanded airport is expected to be a major boost for the local economy, particularly for the tourism sector, which is a vital source of income for the region. It will also play a crucial role in improving connectivity for locals and visitors alike, reducing travel time to other parts of the country.

With the legal hurdles now cleared, the Gaggal Airport expansion project is poised to become a cornerstone for the region's infrastructure development and economic growth.

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