Ola Electric's Ananthan Advocates Circular Economy from Design Stage

01 Aug 2024

In recent decades, technological advancements in India have become a significant trend, leading to increased exploration of sustainable opportunities across various sectors. Industry experts suggest that sustainability in the Indian auto industry can be achieved through proper manufacturing practices supported by a circular economy, along with the upskilling of human resources. The circular economy involves extensive use of materials throughout all stages of production, consumption, and recycling.

According to Kausalya Nandkumar, COO of Mahindra Electric Automobile, this economic scenario not only promotes sustainability but also reduces manufacturing and ownership costs. She pointed out that the tangible benefits of adopting a circular economy make it a sensible choice for businesses. Nandkumar noted that the economic rationale is compelling, as data indicates that utilising recycled, refurbished, and remanufactured items can lower both manufacturing and ownership costs.

Kripa Ananthan, Head of Design at Ola Electric, stated during the ETAuto Tech Summit 2024 in Bengaluru that for India to advance technologically and develop in-house technologies rather than following Western models, a circular economy is essential. She emphasized that starting technology development now would enable India to utilize its own technology and lead the field.

Ananthan also highlighted that sustainability can be promoted from the design stage of a product by incorporating features that extend the product's life, facilitate reuse, repurpose, or remanufacture. She mentioned that Indian consumers typically purchase vehicles with the intention of long-term use, making sustainability a crucial consideration in vehicle design. Nandkumar echoed this sentiment, explaining that achieving a balance between functionality, enhanced features, and responsible materials at an affordable price is key. She warned that if the cost becomes excessively high, it could deter consumers from owning such products.

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