Maharashtra Relaxes Open Space Norms

01 Jul 2024

The Maharashtra government has recently relaxed the open space requirements for commercial buildings featuring glass facades. This policy change aims to foster urban development and cater to the evolving architectural trends in commercial real estate.

Under the new regulations, commercial buildings with glass facades are allowed to have reduced open space compared to previous mandates. This decision is expected to facilitate the construction of more modern and aesthetically pleasing commercial structures, aligning with contemporary architectural designs. By easing these requirements, the government seeks to support the real estate sector, which plays a critical role in the state's economy.

This relaxation in open space norms is anticipated to benefit real estate developers and builders by providing greater flexibility in designing commercial projects. The reduced open space requirements will enable developers to maximize the use of available land, potentially increasing the floor space and the overall profitability of commercial buildings.

The policy shift reflects the government's response to the growing demand for state-of-the-art commercial infrastructure. Glass facades are increasingly popular in modern architecture due to their aesthetic appeal, energy efficiency, and ability to enhance natural lighting within buildings. By accommodating these design preferences, Maharashtra aims to attract more investments in commercial real estate and boost urban development.

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