KMRL's Rs.1.16 Bn Project Delayed Due to Lack of Government Support

01 May 2024

The Kochi Metro Rail Limited (KMRL) is experiencing setbacks in its ?1.16 billion project as several government departments have reportedly failed to provide necessary support. The project, aimed at enhancing urban transportation infrastructure in Kochi, has encountered delays due to bureaucratic hurdles and insufficient cooperation from concerned government bodies.

According to sources familiar with the matter, the project's progress has been significantly hampered as key departments have not fulfilled their commitments, including providing essential clearances and approvals. This lack of support has led to a slowdown in the implementation of critical phases of the project, impacting timelines and operational plans.

The ?1.16 billion initiative, crucial for bolstering Kochi's urban transport network, was designed to improve connectivity and accessibility across key areas of the city. However, delays in governmental cooperation have forced KMRL to reassess its project execution strategy and timeline projections.

In response to these challenges, KMRL officials have expressed concerns over the prolonged delays and emphasised the urgent need for streamlined bureaucratic processes and enhanced inter-departmental coordination. They have urged the relevant authorities to expedite pending approvals and clearances to ensure the timely completion of the project.

Despite the setbacks, KMRL remains committed to advancing Kochi's metro infrastructure and meeting the growing transportation demands of the city's residents. Efforts are ongoing to resolve the administrative bottlenecks and resume progress on the critical ?116 crore initiative without further interruptions.

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