Japanese smart signals failed at seven traffic signals in Bengaluru

01 Jul 2024

Trials of the Japanese technology-powered smart signals in Bengaluru encountered issues at seven traffic junctions, delaying the project's full implementation, according to officials.

The adaptive signal project, called "Management of Origin-Destination Related Adaptation for Traffic Optimisation" (MODERATO), is funded by the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and aims to be deployed at 28 junctions. In the first phase, 10 junctions were tested, including Shoolay Circle, Kensington Road Junction, and the 80 Feet Road Junction in Indiranagar. However, successful trials were reported only at three junctions: 100 Feet Road Junction in Indiranagar, Mother Teresa Junction on Richmond Road, and Opera House Junction on Residency Road.

A traffic police source noted that the signal systems need adjustments to fit the city's traffic conditions, leading to the trial glitches. Currently, there is no mechanism to manually override the systems in emergencies, such as creating a corridor for ambulances.

Officials from the Directorate of Urban Land Transport (DULT) stated that the systems are being fine-tuned at 25 junctions, with trial operations for the remaining three junctions expected to commence shortly. The trials will continue until the end of July for further observation. The DULT clarified that manual control provisions are available to facilitate emergency vehicle movement.

Earlier this year, signal trials at the Kensington Road-Murphy Road junction and Queen's Circle faced issues, raising concerns about the system's reliability in the local context. The project, first announced in 2014, saw delays due to customs clearance and permissions for civil works. Initial construction began in October 2022, with signal commissioning expected by September 2023. Former DULT Commissioner Manjula V cited these administrative hurdles as reasons for the delay.

Under optimal traffic conditions, the MODERATO signals are projected to reduce vehicle queue lengths by approximately 30% at the junctions.

(Source: Deccan Herald)

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