Jamshedpur's Moharda Drinking Water Project Phase 2 Gets Rs.8 Crore Approval

01 Aug 2024

The second phase of the Moharda drinking water project in Jamshedpur has received approval with a budget of ?8 crore. This initiative is a significant step toward ensuring a reliable and clean water supply to the residents of the area. The project, which has been a priority for local authorities, is set to enhance the existing water infrastructure, addressing the growing demand for potable water in the region.

The sanctioned funds will be utilised to extend the water supply network, improve water treatment facilities, and ensure the distribution of clean drinking water to more households. The project aims to alleviate the water scarcity issues faced by residents, particularly during the summer months when the demand for water peaks.

Local officials have emphasised that the timely completion of this phase is crucial to meeting the water needs of the growing population. The project is expected to significantly improve the quality of life for the residents by providing a consistent and safe water supply.

The Moharda drinking water project is part of a broader effort by the local government to upgrade the city's infrastructure and ensure essential services are accessible to all. The approval of Phase 2 marks a key milestone in this ongoing initiative, with further phases planned to expand the reach and capacity of the water supply system.

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