India-US Relationship Multiplies: Garcetti

01 Jun 2024

Eric Garcetti, the US envoy to India, characterized the relationship between India and the US as more than just "addictive" but "multiplicative." He stated that the ties between the two countries have reached unprecedented levels of positivity. According to him, the Indian-American community is widely regarded as the most successful immigrant group in the United States.

These observations were made by Garcetti at an event held during the SelectUSA Investment Summit, where the largest delegation present was from India. He emphasised that the relationship between India and the US is not merely additive but multiplicative, representing a synergy where the impact of their collaboration is greater than the sum of its parts.

The SelectUSA Investment Summit, a prominent event facilitating business investments by linking thousands of investors, companies, economic development organizations, and industry experts, was where Garcetti highlighted the growing familiarity of Americans with Indian brands and companies. He announced that JSW Steel from India planned to invest USD 140 million in Baytown, Texas, emphasizing that such investments contribute to shared goals in infrastructure, energy, and climate solutions.

Garcetti expressed enthusiasm over JSW Steel's investment, noting that the company has already invested over USD 2 billion in the US, particularly in Texas and Ohio, generating employment opportunities for more than 800 American workers. He underscored that the current bond between India and the US is the closest it has ever been, with Americans of Indian descent constituting approximately 1.5% of the population and contributing significantly to the nation's tax base.

In summary, Garcetti's remarks underscored the deepening and mutually beneficial relationship between India and the US, highlighting substantial economic cooperation and the growing influence of the Indian-American community within the United States.