Goa Forward Party to oppose Konkan Railways tourism projects

01 May 2024

Goa Forward MLA Vijai Sardesai said that his party will not allow Konkan Railway to come up with its tourism projects, which Sardesai stated are against the principles of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Addressing a press conference in South Goa, Goa Forward Party Supremo Vijai Sardesai said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi's principle is that "government has no business to be in business", hence Sardesai conveyed that Konkan Railway should focus on running trains on time and not venture into the tourism business.

The MLA stated that Konkan Railways' responsibility is to provide transportation to commuters and ensure the railways run on time. However, he said the railway is trying to venture into the business of renting bikes and cabs, which are already run by locals of Goa, and also in pod hotels. He further said that instead of running trains on time, the railway is trying to enter the tourism business, which will affect the business of the people of Goa. He committed they will agitate and will not allow Konkan Railway to go ahead with this plan, as it is an issue of the livelihood of the people. He added that locals will suffer if this plan comes into reality. He also expressed that he opposes and condemns the plan of Konkan Railway and will raise this issue in the monsoon assembly session, and called for the BJP government to come clear on this issue.

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