GIFT City-Like Zones Essential for Manufacturing: PwC Chief

01 Aug 2024

Sanjeev Krishan, PwC Chief, emphasizes the importance of establishing GIFT City-like zones and IP-linked schemes to drive growth in the manufacturing sector. These zones are seen as pivotal for enhancing industrial infrastructure and boosting economic development.

Key Details:

GIFT City Model: The GIFT (Gujarat International Finance Tec-City) City model is highlighted as a successful example of creating specialized zones that foster business growth and innovation. Replicating this model in other regions is seen as essential for manufacturing advancement.

IP-linked Schemes: Intellectual Property (IP)-linked schemes are proposed to support innovation and attract investments by providing a conducive environment for technology and intellectual property development.

Manufacturing Sector Boost: Establishing such zones is expected to provide a structured environment for manufacturing industries, enhancing efficiency, and promoting economic growth.

Economic Impact: By creating specialized zones with tailored incentives and infrastructure, the manufacturing sector can benefit from improved business conditions and increased investment opportunities.

Strategic Importance: The focus on GIFT City-like zones and IP schemes aligns with broader efforts to strengthen industrial infrastructure and support sustainable economic development.

Overall, the proposal to develop GIFT City-like zones and IP-linked schemes underscores a strategic approach to fostering manufacturing growth and innovation, reflecting a commitment to enhancing industrial capabilities and economic progress.

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