Congress Criticizes Modi Govt's PM-KUSUM Scheme Implementation

01 Aug 2024

The Congress party has criticised the Modi government for its "cavalier" approach to implementing the PM-KUSUM (Pradhan Mantri Kisan Urja Suraksha evam Utthaan Mahabhiyan) scheme, which aims to boost solar energy in agriculture. The opposition argues that the scheme's execution has been marked by inefficiencies and lack of effective implementation.

PM-KUSUM is designed to enhance farmers' access to solar power by subsidising the installation of solar pumps and grid-connected solar power systems. The goal is to increase renewable energy usage in the agricultural sector, reduce dependency on diesel pumps, and improve the sustainability of farming practices.

Congress alleges that despite the scheme's promising objectives, the actual rollout has been hampered by delays and inadequate support for farmers. They claim that the government's approach has been lacklustre and fails to address the real challenges faced by the agricultural sector in adopting solar technologies.

The party urges the government to reassess and refine its implementation strategy to ensure that the benefits of the PM-KUSUM scheme reach the intended beneficiaries effectively. Congress believes that a more proactive and well-structured approach is essential for the scheme to achieve its goals and make a meaningful impact on the sector.

As the debate continues, stakeholders await further actions and potential reforms that could enhance the effectiveness of the PM-KUSUM scheme and address the concerns raised by critics.

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