BWSSB Warns Builders in Bengaluru: No NOC if Drinking Water Used for Construction

01 Mar 2024

The Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board (BWSSB) has issued a firm directive to builders, cautioning them against utilizing drinking water for construction activities. Builders risk being refused No Objection Certificates (NOCs) if they fail to comply, reaffirming the city's dedication to conserving its scarce water resources.

This proactive measure underscores the importance of responsible water usage in a city grappling with water scarcity issues. By preventing the misuse of drinking water, Bengaluru aims to prioritize the needs of its residents and ensure sustainable development practices in the construction sector.

As stakeholders in the real estate industry adapt to this directive, there will likely be increased emphasis on alternative water sources and efficient water management practices. The BWSSB's action signals a broader commitment to fostering environmental sustainability and resilience in urban development.

The BWSSB's warning to builders in Bengaluru serves as a clear signal of the city's commitment to water conservation and sustainable development. By enforcing stringent regulations, Bengaluru aims to safeguard its precious water resources and promote responsible urban growth.

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