Bengaluru Rail: K-RIDE floats tender for Corridor-1A

01 Jul 2024

K-RIDE (Rail Infrastructure Development Company (Karnataka) Ltd), responsible for the Bengaluru Suburban Railway Project, has issued a tender for the long-awaited Corridor-1A, which will connect Bengaluru railway station to Yelahanka railway station. The second phase of the project, extending from Yelahanka to the Kempegowda International Airport (KIA), is scheduled to follow. Activists have been advocating for improved connectivity between Bengaluru City and KIA. K-RIDE officials disclosed that the tender for Corridor-1A is valued at Rs 14.22 billion. The project is said to include stations and the formation works for both at-grade and elevated sections spanning 17.63 km. The tender package encompasses the design and construction of a 14.213 km elevated viaduct, a 3.417 km at-grade formation, the construction of seven station buildings, and a Railway Over Bridge.

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