AI is changing how firms handle their workforce

01 Jul 2024

The real-estate industry is a high-pressure one that warrants continuous upgradation of skills. The HR factor plays a pivotal role in ensuring all employees are always up to the mark to take on industry challenges,” avers Ashok Singh Jaunapuria, MD and CEO, SS Group, who oversees all functions in the organisation. In his view, the HR function has undergone a sea change and become personalised with individualised support focusing on each employee at a time for specific needs – whether it is onboarding, training, upskilling or even identifying job satisfaction. He shares more in an interview.

What are the current best practices in induction policies?
Onboarding a new employee into an organisation and induction have undergone a sea change. From a one-size-fits-all induction programme, today’s HR induction programmes and policies focus on the individual employee...

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