Aarey depot 99.5% complete, Metro 3 phase 1 ready to launch

01 May 2024

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation (MMRCL) reported that the Aarey depot is 99.5% complete, preparing for Phase 1 operations of Metro 3, spanning from Aarey to Bandra-Kurla Complex. Integrated trial runs for this phase have already started, and MMRCL plans to invite the Research, Design, and Standards Organisation (RDSO) to supervise critical aspects of the trials and commissioning.

Only minor finishing works and system testing and trials are currently underway. Although the depot is ready, the Operations and Control Centre will not be fully operational for Phase 1. Instead, the initial operations will be managed by a backup Operations and Control Centre at Bandra-Kurla Complex.

The depot covers 30 hectares, with five hectares left untouched, while the remaining 25 hectares accommodate a station in addition to the depot. This facility includes maintenance, operational, administrative, and training areas. The depot, designed to house 30 trains of eight cars each, is being built at a cost of Rs 3.28 billion.

The performance and efficiency of the Metro network will significantly rely on the functionality of the Operations and Control Centre, which monitors real-time data on train movements, station activities, and passenger flow to ensure smooth and efficient service. This centre also coordinates emergency responses, managing communication with emergency services and deploying resources as needed.

At any given time, up to 20 trains will be stabled, with some positioned at terminal stations like Cuffe Parade and Bandra-Kurla Complex, ready to commence services in the morning. The project experienced a three-year delay due to litigation over the car depot issue. The depot is essential for train operations, serving as the nerve centre of Metro 3. Without it, trains cannot run.

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