Thiruvananthapuram Corp Plans Waste Treatment Plant

After decentralised waste management proved ineffective and food waste collection faltered following the termination of service providers, the Thiruvananthapuram Corporation is preparing to establish a centralised waste treatment plant similar to Brahmapuram. The proposed plan includes the installation of a CBG (compressed biogas) plant to manage the growing solid waste.

The city has relied on pig farms and private providers for the disposal of large quantities of biodegradable waste.

Estimates indicate that the city generates approximately 423 tonnes of waste daily, with 296 tonnes being biodegradable. As part of the decentralised waste management programme, around 65,000 bins were distributed to 2.82 lakh households, though many bins remain unused.

A recent drive to encourage source-level waste management has met with limited success, as many residents are hesitant due to past issues.

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