Maharashtra Maritime Board to construct Jetty in NW 53 at Dombivali

The Chief Executive Officer, Maharashtra Maritime Board, Indian Mercantile Chamber, 3rd floor, Ramjibhai Kamani Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai-400 001. Invites online bids for the construction of work detailed in the table.

The tender seeks civil work to be completed in 540 days or nearly 18 months. As per the tender, the bid validity will be 120 days, and it will be an open bidding process. The bid submission period begins today i.e on May 2, 2023 and will end on May 16, 2023.

Tender form, conditions of contract, specifications and contract drawings can be downloaded from after entering the details payment of Rs. 3,540/- (Rupees Three Thousand Five Hundred Forty Only) should be paid online using payment gateway.

Essential details:

Project Estimated Value: ₹ 20,08,61,087/-
Product Category: Civil Works
Bid Validity (Days): 120
Period of Work: 540 days
Tender ID - 2023_MMB_899564_1
Tender Ref. No.: MMB/CEO/ENGG/NW53/21-22/148/5
Payment mode: Online

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