Dalmia Cement Bharat Limited to build a green supply chain
By adding LNG and EV trucks, DCBL's green logistics plan seeks to decarbonize its transportation fleet, which contributes roughly 1.5% of the total CO2 equivalent emissions. Dalmia Cement wants to replace 10% of its present fleet of 3,000 vehicles with LNG trucks by the end of FY24.
For the company's maiden shipment, two different types of LNG trucks will be used to deliver raw materials and bagged cement over distances ranging from 50 to 600 km for inbound and outbound logistics: trailer and bulker trucks.
As comparison to traditional diesel trucks, GreenLine Logistics' LNG trucks cut CO2 emissions by about 28%, which translates into an annual reduction of about 24 tonnes of COz per truck.
These LNG trucks also considerably lower other harmful emissions, including SOx emissions by up to 100%, NOx emissions by up to 59%, and particulate matter emissions by up to 91%.
Dalmia Cement has a three-pronged approach to cut emissions, including switching to alternative fuels and raw materials, growing its overall renewable energy portfolio in Solar & WHRS path towards EV100, and introducing green vehicle deployment in logistics.
Dalmia is the first triple joiner firm of the Climate Group's EP 100, EV 100, and RE 100 projects and plans to be carbon negative by 2040. To encourage the widespread use of LNG-fueled long haul trucks, GreenLine Logistics has developed India's first and only integrated green logistics ecosystem.
This initiative intends to decarbonize heavy transportation in India.