Transforming port land for a livable Mumbai

By 2030, Mumbai is expected to become a megalopolis with a population in excess of 30 million and potential economic GDP in excess of $ 250 billion. But this will only be possible if the city is able to attract talent, investment and entrepreneurs. Redeveloping Mumbai’s port land is one of the ways to make Mumbai liveable and enable it to emerge as the hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in India.

Infrastructure is taking an interesting turn around the world and people are thinking about parks, gardens and landscapes and sustainable development in a very different and systematic way.

APLI Mumbai, a port land initiative, was formed by the late Meera Sanyal and Vice Admiral (Retd) IC Rao, PVSM, AVSM, along with several design groups and think tanks as a response to the Rani Jadhav Committee Report (on port waterfront and land development in Mumbai), to develop a ‘people’s vision’ for the city and its port lands.

The article explores detailed plans suggested by Apli Mumbai for developing Mumbai port lands, Mumbai Eastern Waterfront project and much more.

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