Hyderabad Airport Metro Project to Cost Rs 6,250 Crore
The project is expected to cost Rs 62.5 billion, according to Hyderabad Airport Metro Ltd (HAML) Managing Director N.V.S. Reddy, and it would be entirely funded by the Telangana government, with 10% contributions from HMDA and GMR Airport.
He addressed a pre-bid meeting for the Hyderabad Airport Metro project and gave the potential bidders an overview of the project's significance and key elements.
The technical teams from 13 domestic and international businesses attended the pre-bid conference, which was convened in response to the global tenders requested for the selection of the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, and Construction) contractor for the Hyderabad Airport Metro project. Among them were L&T, Siemens, Alstom, Tata Projects, IRCON, RVNL, BEML, PANDROL Rahee Technologies, and others.
According to Reddy, the majority of the preliminary tasks, including the survey, peg marking, alignment fixation, etc., have been finished, and the soil testing process is well underway. According to the most recent survey and alignment fixing, there will now be an elevated component of 29.3 km and an underground portion of 1.7 km along the 31 km corridor between Raidurg metro station and Airport terminal station. It will include nine stops, one of which will be underground station adjacent to the airport terminal.
In the meeting, the potential bidders' questions about civil structures, rolling stock (trains), signaling and train control systems, performance indices, technical specifications, and so on were thoroughly examined, and clarifications were provided by the MD and his technical team.
The selected EPC Contractor must begin ground work by September 2023 and complete the project within three years.
See also:
Hyderabad invites bids for Airport Express Metro Line
Hyderabad Metro invites bids for Rs 56.88 bn airport corridor