MoRTH Seeks Consultants 2-Lane Roads, ROB in Rajasthan

In accordance with Ministry's circular No. RWNH-24035/4/2008-P&M/PIC Vol.II dated 23.02.201S,Ministry ol'Road Transport & Highways represented by Regional Officer, MoRTH Jaipur through the State Public works department (NH), Rajasthan as part of endeavour to undertake Consultancy services for Authority's Engineer for Supervision of following three Civil Projects under single consultancy package (i) Construction of Two lane with Paved shoulder for Rajgarh Bypass from Design km.0.000 to km.5.400 & Pilani Bypass from Design km.35.840 to km.43.120 of NH-709 Extn on EPC Mode(ii) Construction of Two lane with Paved Shoulder for Fatehpur Bypass (Design km.O.000 to km.7.400), Mandawa Blpass (Design km.20.925 to km.27.300) & Jhunjhunu Bypass (Design km.41.625 to km.54.689) of NH-11 on EPC Mode (iii) Construction of Balance work ofproposed 2-lane ROB and its approaches in lieu ofexisting level crossing no.A-142 at km. 1.0 of NI{-709 extn. near Sadulpur Railway Station in District Churu on EPC rnode in the State of Rajasthan invites proposals from eligible Consultants on the basis of Intcrnational Competitive Bidding.

The tender seeks Consultancy worth Rs. 3,06,99,00,000 crore to be completed in 2377 days. As per the tender, the bid validity will be 120 days, and it will be an open bidding process. The bid submission period began on June 28, 2023 and will end on July 31, 2023.

ThcConsultantwhodownloadtheRFPdocumcntfiomthcwebsitcwillbcrequircdtopaythe non- refundable fee of Rs. 5,000/- towards cost of RFP at the time of the submission of the Bid proposal through Bharatkosh Portal of Govt of India: in favor of Regional Pay & Accounts Officer, MoRTH, Jaipur.

The proposal should be submitted by consultancy firms in two parts. The two parts of the proposal are Part1: Technical Proposal and Part2: Financial Proposal. For a given EPC Project, Stage -1 of the Evaluation shall consider the evaluation of the Technical Proposal (i.e. Part 1). The firms scoring the qualifying marks (minimum 75%) as mentioned in RFP shall only be considered for further evaluation. Under stage 2, the financial proposal of such firms as selected above shall be opened and evaluated.

A Pre-Bid meeting shall take place at the following date, time, and place:
Office of Chief Engineer cum Regional Officer Ministry of Road Transport and highways DCM Ajmer Road Opposite Elements Mall Jaipur 302019

Date: 17-July-2023 Time: 3:00 PM
A complete bid document can be downloaded from the official website:

Essential details:

Project Estimated Value: ₹ 3,06,99,00,000
Product Category: Consultancy
Bid Validity (Days): 120
Period of Work: 2377 days
Tender ID: 2023_MoRTH_759657_1
Tender Ref. No.: NIT.No.02/2023-24, RO,MoRTH,Jaipur
Payment mode: Offline
Form of contract: Lump-sum

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