Govt makes new announcements on vehicle scrappage policy
Registration and fitness tests related details include:
- Criteria to determine vehicle fitness will primarily be emission tests, braking, safety equipment, among many other tests which are as per the Central Motor Vehicle Rules, 1989.
- Rules for fitness tests and scrapping centres to be applicable from 1 October 2021, while scrapping of government and PSU vehicles which are older than 15 years to come into effect from 1 April 2022.
- The mandatory fitness testing for heavy commercial vehicles to be in force from 1 April 2023 and the same will be in place in a phased manner for other categories from 1 June 2024.
- Increased fees for fitness certificate and test to be applicable for commercial vehicles 15 years
onwards from the date of initial registration and in case of failure to get the fitness certificate, such vehicles to be de-registered.
- Increased re-registration fees to be applicable for private vehicles 15 year onwards from the date of initial registration. Such vehicles to be de-registered after 20 years if found unfit or in case of a failure to renew the registration certificate.
- A vehicle failing the fitness test or failing to get a renewal of its registration certificate to be declared as ‘End of Life Vehicle’.