Supplied high-strength alloy steel for Chandrayaan-3

Supplied high-strength alloy steel for Chandrayaan-3
As of Friday, Jindal Stainless Ltd. (JSL) claimed to have provided high-strength alloy steel grade to use by ISRO on the Chandravaan-3 mission. In order to meet the exacting quality standards and specifications of the crucial project, JSL said that the specialized alloy steel grade supplied to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), which is typically imported from several countries, was painstakingly developed over a period of three years with the aid of an advanced refining process.

According to the business, Chandrayaan-3, India's ambitious third lunar mission, employed a special, high-strength alloy steel grade that was "developed and supplied."

According to the manufacturer, the heat-resistant material protects the motor from shocks and high temperatures.

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