Pune Station: Two New Platforms and Yard Remodeling

Pune Railway Station, a vital hub handling over 200 trains and more than 150,000 passengers daily, is set to undergo a major overhaul to address its increasing traffic. The proposed upgrades include yard remodeling and the addition of two new platforms, aimed at reducing congestion and improving efficiency. Alongside this, four existing platforms will be extended to accommodate 24-coach trains, ensuring smoother operations and enhanced passenger convenience. 

The estimated cost of these developments is Rs 3 billion, and the tendering process for the project has already begun. The growing influx of passengers from outside the state has strained the station’s current capacity, often resulting in train delays due to insufficient platform space. Currently, Pune Railway Station has six platforms, but their limited length prevents the operation of longer trains. The new plan addresses these challenges by adding two additional platforms near the goods yard, increasing the total number of platforms to eight. 

Another significant improvement is the addition of two main lines dedicated to freight train movement. Presently, freight trains are halted outside the station when passenger trains occupy the platforms. With the new infrastructure, goods trains will be able to operate simultaneously, even when the passenger platforms are full, saving time and improving efficiency.      

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