Dakshina Kannada Cancels 1,537 Fake Construction Worker ID Cards

The Labour Department in Dakshina Kannada has revoked 1,537 fake identity cards that were improperly issued to non-construction workers through the Karnataka Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board. The department's Mangaluru division has directed individuals holding invalid ID cards to return them voluntarily or face legal action. Financial benefits continue to be offered to legitimate beneficiaries registered with the Board.

In the district, 1,42,340 construction workers have registered and obtained identity cards. However, during the Covid-19 pandemic, non-construction workers, attracted by the availability of food and tool kit assistance, also registered and received these cards. To ensure that benefits are provided exclusively to genuine construction workers, the government launched a campaign to identify and cancel fake identity cards. As part of this effort, 1,537 fake cards have been cancelled in the district, according to the Labour Department.

The department has advised ineligible individuals who have obtained these cards to voluntarily return them to the office of the respective labour inspector. Those who comply will not face legal consequences. However, the department will review records to identify and deregister remaining ineligible individuals and initiate legal action against them if necessary. The Assistant Labour Commissioner of the Mangaluru division also warned that legal proceedings will be taken against those who issue fraudulent employment certificates to ineligible persons.

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