Goa tourism department to build 3D Printing Building in Panaji

The head office of the Goa Tourism Development Corporation Limited has invited for the development of Tourism Destination at Patto Convention Centre Panaji Regarding Construction of Innovative 3D Printing Building.

The project is being built under the Swadesh Darshan Scheme. The new mini convention centre will have Goa’s largest auditorium with a capacity of 1300 seats. The convention centre structure comprises of lower ground, ground floor, first floor, and second floor with a total built-up area of 13,965 square metre.

This is an open tender and the bidding document is available online for downloading on https://eprocure.goa.gov.in/nicgep/app

The tender seeks construction works worth Rs 7,83,04,584 crore to be completed in 180 days. As per the tender, the bid validity will be 90 days, and it will be an open bidding process. The bid submission period began on May 6, 2023 and will end on May 18, 2023.

Essential details:

Project Estimated Value: ₹ 7,83,04,584
Product Category: Construction works
Bid Validity (Days): 90
Period of Work: 180 days
Tender ID - 2023_GTDCL_8579_1
Tender Ref. No.:GTDC/PC/EE(N)/2023-24/e-06
Payment mode: Online
Form of contract: Item Rate

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