SJVN Tenders 1.5 GW of Renewable Power with Storage

Expediting Office and Buisiness Development of SJVN Ltd, New Delhi has released a tender for the Selection of RE Power Developers for the supply of 1500 MW Firm and Dispatchable Power from ISTS- Connected Renewable Energy (RE) Power Projects with Energy Storage System in India under Tariff-based Competitive Bidding.

The tender seeks Electrical works- roads worth Rs. 91,95,00,00,000 crore to be completed in 730 days. As per the tender, the bid validity will be 365 days. The bid submission period will start on June 28, 2023 and will end on July 20, 2023.

A Pre-Bid meeting shall take place at the following date, time, and place: Conference Hall, SJVN Ltd, 6th Floor, Tower-1, NBCC Office Complex, New Delhi-110023

Date: 5-July-2023 Time: 11:00 PM

A complete bid document can be downloaded from the official website:

​​ Essential details:

Project Estimated Value: ₹ 91,95,00,00,000
Product Category: Power/Energy Projects/Products/Services
Bid Validity (Days): 365
Period of Work: 730 days
Tender ID - 2023_SJVNL_715915_1
Tender Ref. No.: SJVN/CC-Delhi/REIA/2023/FDRE-1 TSC SJVN-2023-TN00
Payment mode: Offline
Form of contract: Fixed-rate

Dispatchable power from ISTS-connected renewable energy refers to the ability to control the output of renewable energy generators connected to the Inter-State Transmission System (ISTS) in order to meet the changing demand for electricity. This is important because renewable energy sources such as wind and solar are intermittent, meaning that their output varies depending on the weather. Without dispatchable power, these sources could not be used to reliably meet the demand for electricity. The development of dispatchable power from ISTS-connected renewable energy is essential for the transition to a clean energy future. By making renewable energy more reliable, dispatchable power can help to ensure that the grid can meet the needs of consumers even as more and more renewable energy is added to the system.

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