Railways invite bids for rooftop solar projects in UP

North Central Railways has invited bids for state-wise empanelment of agencies to implement grid-connected rooftop solar power projects of 5.525 MW capacity at its various divisions and workshops through public-private partnership and on a design, build, finance, operate, and transfer basis.

The projects would be developed in two capacity ranges— more than 10 kW and up to 100 kW, and more than 100 kW and up to 500 kW.

The projects must be commissioned within 240 days of receiving the work order. The developers must also provide comprehensive operation and maintenance services for 25 years.
The last day to submit the bids is August 4, 2023. The bids will be opened on the same day.

Bidders must furnish an earnest money deposit of Rs 1.07 million ($13,043)/ MW of the quoted capacity.

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