ONGC commissions two Rs 6,000 cr project to boost oil output

The state-owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) commissioned two projects worth Rs 6,000 crore to add 7.5 million tonnes of oil production and 1 billion cubic metres of gas output over the life of the Mumbai High fields as it doubles down on efforts to raise productivity from mature and ageing fields.

As part of the Mumbai High South Redevelopment Phase-IV, the business spent Rs 3,740.00 crore on a state-of-the-art 8-legged water injection-cum-living quarter platform.

Meanwhile, Rs 2,292.46 crore was spent on the Cluster-8 marginal field development project at Mumbai High.

The company revealed that two projects would produce an additional 7.5 million tonnes (MT) of oil and more than 1 billion cubic metres of gas.

The minister praised the ONGC team for their efforts in completing the two projects.

He urged ONGC to intensify their efforts to bring additional oil and gas to the coffers of nations by implementing expedited exploratory activities.

The state-of-the-art 8-legged water Injection-cum-Living Quarter platform was erected as part of the Mumbai High South Redevelopment phase IV's low salinity water flood (LSWF) process, an Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) trial project, with a total cost of Rs 3,740 crore.

3.20 MT of oil and 0.571 billion cubic metres of gas would be gained as a consequence of the project.

It is India's first offshore EOR project. The idea is to use a desalination plant to reduce the salinity of the injected sea water, which is around 28000 ppm, to 8250 ppm. LSWF works by enhancing microscopic and macroscopic displacement efficiency through complicated Crude Oil-Brine-Rock (COBR) interactions.

The project was conducted with a strategic focus on local procurement worth Rs 1,700 crore, keeping with the government's Make in India initiative.

In India, 42 large pump packages have been built out of a total of 45 major pump packages in the project. The structure has 40,000 tonnes of structural steel, enough to construct five Eiffel Towers.

This is the first offshore EOR project in India. The objective is to employ a desalination plant to lower the salinity of the injected sea water, which is now roughly 28000 parts per million, to 8250 parts per million.

Through complex Crude Oil-Brine-Rock (COBR) interactions, LSWF improves both microscopic and macroscopic displacement efficiency.

In line with the government's Make in India strategy, the project was carried out with a strategic focus on local procurement worth Rs 1,700 crore. Out of a total of 45 main pump packages in the project, 42 huge pump packages have been built in India.

The construction is made up of 40,000 tonnes of structural steel, which is enough to construct five Eiffel Towers.

Between 2017-18 and 2018-19, these marginal fields were identified.

As part of the project, a CO2 mitigation system was introduced for the first time in the offshore. Floating Production Storage and Offtake (FPSO) is used to evacuate the oil and gas.

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