India’s Push for Carbon Reduction in Mining Operations
18 Mar 2025 CW Team
In alignment with India's Panchamrit goals and Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) commitments, the Ministry of Coal is advancing sustainable coal mining and reducing carbon emissions through various initiatives.
Key measures to cut carbon footprint
• Energy Efficiency Initiatives: Coal and lignite PSUs are implementing energy conservation measures, including LED lighting, energy-efficient air conditioners, super fans, EV deployment, efficient water heaters, and energy-saving motors.
• Green Credit Program: Coal PSUs are participating in extensive afforestation efforts under the Green Credit Program launched by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC).
• First Mile Connectivity (FMC) Projects: Upgrading mechanised coal transportation and loading systems reduces diesel consumption, significantly lowering emissions.
• Blast-Free Mining Technologies: Companies are deploying Surface Miners, Continuous Miners, and Rippers, eliminating drilling, blasting, and crushing to minimise pollution.
• Renewable Energy and Clean Coal Technologies: Coal PSUs are commissioning renewable energy projects and exploring coal gasification, coal bed methane (CBM), and other clean coal technologies.
Environmental compliance and sustainable practices
Coal PSUs are ensuring compliance with Environmental Clearance (EC), Forest Clearance (FC), Consent to Operate (CTO), and Consent to Establish (CTE) while adopting the following sustainability measures:
• Expanding surface mining, continuous mining, and longwall mining to reduce environmental impact.
• Increasing First Mile Connectivity (FMC) projects to cut road-based coal transportation emissions.
• Improving energy efficiency across mining operations.
• Restoring mined-out areas through eco-restoration, including eco-parks and mine tourism sites.
• Repurposing de-coaled land for renewable energy projects, agriculture, and community development initiatives.
EIA review guidelines
Currently, there are no specific regulations mandating the frequency of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reviews for mining companies, particularly concerning carbon emissions.
This information was provided by Union Minister of Coal and Mines, Shri G. Kishan Reddy, in a written reply to the Rajya Sabha.