Titan America boasts full conversion to low-carbon cement
Titan America highlighted that it is the first US-based cement company to fully convert to Type IL cement and is positioning to boost its supply chain with the construction of two 70,000-ton storage domes, both earmarked to store and serve customers with lower-carbon products. Each dome will significantly increase Titan's capacity to provide Type IL cement for expected infrastructure construction and growth in the communities it serves, the company said in a statement.
“I would like to thank all members of the Titan America team who are able and energized to provide the highest performing products to our customers, and do so with our 2030 goals for a sustainable future at top of mind,” said Bill Zarkalis, president and CEO of Titan America.
“Our conversion to 100 per cent Type IL production and our expanded investments to deliver lower carbon products and solutions to customers showcase the progress we have made and our commitment to accelerate our contribution to addressing climate change.”
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