Cement Industry Backs EU’s Bold 2040 Emissions Target
Emir Adigüzel, Founder of the World Cement Association and Executive Chairman of ACG International, on the European Commission’s renewed commitment to a 90 per cent emissions reduction by 2040, including support for the steel and cement industries in their transition. He said “The cement industry welcomes the European Commission’s commitment to decarbonisation, particularly the creation of a decarbonisation bank, which is a crucial step in helping industries like ours achieve net-zero emissions. As highlighted in the World Cement Association’s latest white paper, the cement sector will require $200 billion in investment by 2050 to fully decarbonise, making financial support essential."
The World Cement Association is the original international cement association and represents the cement industry and its stakeholders. Corporate Members are cement producers and have equal rights regardless of size or nationality. WCA connects members across the world and provides practical help to improve competitiveness and sustainability.