We shape policy, purpose and people’s engagement

Shweta Rathor, HR Head, Ajmera Realty & Infra India

Please tell us about upskilling initiatives undertaken by the company.
We invest in the continuous learning and development of our employees by offering inhouse training programmes tailored to the skills and knowledge employees need to acquire. Other methods such as on-job training, pairing employees with more experienced mentors, cross training, industry conferences, external workshops, new technology orientations and other skill-based training are continuously used.

We undertake a comprehensive skills gap analysis to identify specific areas where the organisation lacks the necessary talent or skills through performance assessments and surveys. We run assessment centres to identify the gaps and define training plans. We invest in ongoing training and development programmes for existing employees to enhance their skills and keep them updated on industry best practices and new technologies. We provide apprenticeship and internship programmes to bring in new talent.

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