Vedanta recycles 16.5 billion litres of water using technology in FY21

Vedanta Aluminium recycled 16.5 billion litres of water by employing technology for water usage control and monitoring in FY21.

Water conservation efforts at its Alumina Refinery, Aluminum Smelters, and Power Plants alone have saved 700 million litres of water.

The Vedanta Sustainable Development Framework, which includes technical and management standards and guidance notes developed under global sustainability management practices aligned with the International Financial Corporation (IFC), International Council for Mining and Metals (ICMM), and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guides the operations of Vedanta Aluminum.

To contribute to the 6th UN Sustainable Development Goal, Clean Water and Sanitation, Water Management Policy of the firm aims to reduce water consumption while encouraging increased water reutilisation and zero liquid discharge from operations.

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Also read: Odisha to bring Covid-hit waterway projects on track

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Vedanta Aluminium Business recycles 16.5 billion litres of water in FY21