Top picks for tech-driven construction advancement

Technology has been progressing at an astounding rate, especially in the backdrop of the pandemic. Even the construction and infrastructure sector, which had been previously deemed as a technology-hesitant segment, has been making leaps in terms of technology adoption.

That said, the Government of India has been spearheading digitisation and technology adoption for a while now. Just last year, 66 per cent of the 6,368 affordable housing under the umbrella of Light House Projects in New Delhi were completed in less than a year. These had their factories at far off places where prefabricated components were manufactured with highly controlled finishes and then sent to be assembled on-site — highlighting how tech can save on the turnaround time. Similarly, Niti Ayog has reportedly estimated that BIM helps save up to 20 per cent on construction costs by reducing the construction time and has called for its wider adoption.

Furthermore, it is not just these high-tech systems that have helped drive construction advancement. Traditional technologies have improved as well with there being models and methodologies that have helped drive down the building slab curing cycles, the usage of water and the amount of waste and debris generated — which might look like much in comparison but are equally significant.

CW has been at the forefront of covering innovation and technology addition in the industry. This National Technology Day, we have rounded up a pick of topics that highlight the best of the tech deployment we have been seeing in recent times.

Driving down construction costs and managing projects better: 

Deploying technology for advanced construction methodologies: 

How industry stakeholders have been harnessing technology to make an impact:

Making the tech shift:

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