Railways to Engage PSUs for Maintenance of New Depots and Workshops

In a bid to streamline operations and ensure the efficient maintenance of newly created railway assets, the Railway Board has decided to involve its Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) through competitive bidding. This decision comes after challenges were reported regarding the operationalization and upkeep of newly built sheds, depots, workshops, and rolling stock.

The Railway Board has communicated that zonal Railways will be authorized to conduct limited tendering processes to select suitable PSUs for the maintenance of infrastructure. A set of 29 maintenance conditions has been outlined, covering safety audits, quality practices, and operational guidelines. Importantly, safety audits will be conducted annually, ensuring that the operations remain up to the required standards.

Despite opposition from certain railway unions, who have expressed concerns about the potential privatization of operations, the Railway Board insists that PSUs will be used for maintenance, not for transferring ownership or control of assets to private companies. The objective is to leverage the expertise of PSUs to efficiently manage infrastructure, especially in light of workforce shortages.

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