Pune Smart City on the way to carbon neutrality

Leveraging its rich cultural and natural heritage, strong human capital and strong business environment as key strengths, Pune Smart City aspires to become the most liveable city in India. Dr Sanjay Kolte, CEO, shares more on the city’s progress….

Benefit of events like SU to India’s Smart City Mission
It has been a great learning experience for Pune Smart City. We have been with the event since the first edition. It is an opportunity to interact with stakeholders, experts from the industry and academia and for peer learning. It plays a key role in taking ahead the Smart City Mission.

Impact of the pandemic on project timelines
For the first two months, the ongoing projects suffered slightly due to the non-availability of workers. After the relaxation of lockdown rules, relevant arrangements were made for workers to stay onsite and transport of construction materials slowly picked up.

Any message to stakeholders
Pune has a very good ecosystem of administration, academia, startups, institutions and industry...

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