National Automotive Board seeks Consultancy Bids for Solar Project
In order to expand the current 1.2 MW solar project in Manesar, Haryana, the International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT), a division of the government-run National Automotive Board, has issued a request for proposals for consulting services.
To compile a thorough project report, the scope of work includes conducting a site study and forming connections with various state and federal government entities.
The bids must be submitted by April 27, 2023. The date of the bid opening is not stated by ICAT.
The consultant company must have been in business for at least five years and must employ at least one structural engineer with at least five years of expertise.
Mechanical drawings and electrical single-line diagrams must be prepared by the winning bidder. The project's comprehensive earthing design must be submitted by the bidder.
Calculations for lightning protection must be made by the bidder, and an AC cable design must be submitted. The bidder must design the walkway in addition to working on the water delivery system.
For the aforementioned tender, there is no Earnest Money Deposit and no Performance Bank Guarantee. According to the terms of the tender, the tender document is free.
Within 30 days of the award letter's issuance date, the winning bidder must finish the project.
A proprietary, partnership firm, or private company must be a legitimate legal entity in order to submit a bid. Consortiums and joint ventures are not allowed to submit bids as individual entities.
The bidder must have generated a total of at least $1 million (or $12,258,3) in consulting revenue over the previous three fiscal years.
The bidder must have successfully completed at least three consultancy projects worth a minimum of Rs 118,000 each (or $1,446.5), one project of Rs 147,500 ($1,808), or three projects totaling at least Rs 236,000 ($2,892.9) in the last three years.
The bidder must have previously created a thorough project report for at least one project with a 1000 kWh capacity.
For captive use in the states of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana, Hindustan Petroleum Corporation (HPCL) issued a request for proposals earlier this month for the engineering, procurement, and construction of 11 MW of solar power projects at its Panipat and Jhansi sites.
The Haryana Electricity Regulatory Commission changed its renewable purchase obligation (RPO) policy in December 2022 to include wind energy in the RPO and to reclassify solar energy as a "other RPO."
See also:
960 MW of continuous renewable power projects awarded by IR
SCCL sets power generation targets to 3,350 MW
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