Government Permits Maize Sale to Ethanol Makers

In a significant move, the Indian government has granted approval to the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation (NAFED) and the National Cooperative Consumers' Federation (NCCF) to sell maize to ethanol manufacturers. The authorized base rate for this transaction is set at Rs 2291 per quintal.

This decision is aimed at bolstering the ethanol production sector, aligning with the government's commitment to promoting alternative and cleaner fuel sources. The move is expected to provide a steady supply of maize to ethanol producers, fostering the growth of the ethanol industry.

NAFED and NCCF, as key players in the agricultural marketing and consumer sectors, will play a crucial role in facilitating the smooth implementation of this initiative. The government's proactive measures are in line with its broader vision to encourage sustainable practices in the energy sector and reduce dependence on traditional fossil fuels.

By allowing the sale of maize to ethanol manufacturers at a predetermined base rate, the government seeks to create a conducive environment for increased ethanol production, contributing to the nation's energy security and environmental sustainability goals.

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