Constructive Collaboration

As a prelude to the CWAB Awards in its 18th avatar, a panel discussion brought together esteemed architects and builders from the Design-Build community to discuss ‘The Power of Collaboration: Bridging the Gap between Design Thinking and Execution for Sustainable Urban Real Estate’. Moderated by Shobhit Agarwal, MD and CEO,

Anarock Capital Advisors, the event saw industry experts shedding light on the evolution of projects, financial viability and the importance of technology and community engagement in sustainable urban development.

Sharing insights into the journey of the Symbiosis project since its inception in 2003, Rahul Kadri, Principal Architect, IMK Architects, highlighted the project's dynamic nature, shaped by unforeseen circumstances, and emphasised its alignment with sustainability goals through eco-friendly bricks and minimal topsoil utilisation. “Our project’s success lies in our commitment to innovative practices,” he added.

Harsh Varshneya, Principal Architect, Sthapati, drew insights from his experience, particularly from airport projects, where he highlighted the importance of incorporating artistry into architecture. Emphasising upon the fusion of local elements and intricate artwork in architecture to create environments that resonate with the community, he pointed out, “Design extends beyond functionality; it should encompass a sense of place.”

To read the full story, CLICK HERE.

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