CII-ITC awards Thiruvananthapuram International Airport

Remarkably, Thiruvananthapuram International Airport is the first airport in India to receive the Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWL) certification. This accolade emphasises the airport's outstanding waste management procedures and dedication to sustainability. It was given by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII-ITC) Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development. Thiruvananthapuram International Airport has achieved an astounding 99.50% diversion of trash from landfills by effectively implementing best-in-class waste management measures, as proven by the ZWL evaluation. 100% of the airport's plastic garbage and 100% of its municipal solid waste (MSW), which consists of both wet and dry waste, have been successfully diverted from landfills.

The Zero Waste to Landfill (ZWL) accreditation was remarkably obtained by Thiruvananthapuram International Airport, the first airport in India to have this distinction. The airport's exceptional waste management practices and commitment to sustainability are highlighted by this award. It was presented by the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development of the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII-ITC). The ZWL review demonstrates that Thiruvananthapuram International Airport has successfully implemented best-in-class waste management procedures, resulting in an incredible 99.50% diversion of rubbish from landfills. The airport has effectively avoided using landfills for both its municipal solid waste (MSW), which is made up of both wet and dry trash, and its 100% plastic waste.

This method focuses on sustainability and ongoing progress when defining and assessing environmental goals. In order to comply with ISO 14001:2015 requirements, Thiruvananthapuram International Airport has set up a comprehensive waste management system. In order to provide sustainable waste management, this system consists of trash segregation, recycling, monitoring, and reduction procedures that all work on the cradle-to-cradle principle. Segregated garbage is collected at specified locations defined by the airport and then sent to a recovery and recycling facility. By using a thorough approach, the environmental effect is greatly reduced since every piece of trash is appropriately treated and recycled. The honour is a testament to the airport's dedication to environmental stewardship and innovative waste management.

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